Upper Wharfedale Pre-School
Our Ethos
The ethos of the pre-school is very child centred, celebrating each individual child and supporting their learning and development through play.
"Play is not a luxury
Play is a necessity"
Our aim is to provide a happy and secure learning environment both inside and outside the classroom where you and your child feel welcomed and valued. Building a positive partnership between home and school is important to us and key to your child’s development.
Every child learns at a different pace and by providing a broad and balanced EYFS curriculum we can provide exciting and challenging opportunities appropriate to each child. Children will be given time and space to explore their environment and encouraged to initiate their own learning. This will be supported with flexible resources and experienced staff playing alongside your child.
We want these first building blocks in education to form a solid and secure foundation for children to build upon and become inquisitive, creative, confident and life-long learners.
Our Ethos
We use an e-learning journey (Tapestry) to record your child’s experiences and whilst in their early years.
Using photos, videos and diary entries, a teacher or early years practitioner, along with the parents, ‘weaves’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing.
The Tapestry platform puts these memories together to be kept as a permanent record of each child’s unique journey.
All information held in the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents are able to view online their child’s progress and how much fun they’re having, whilst also uploading their own comments and media
Pre-School Day
We have flexible arrangements when booking at our pre-school to work around the needs of our families. Parents can opt for a ‘session’, full days or extended days.
Morning session
Our morning session starts at 9:00 – 12:00.
Children will not get their lunch during the morning session but will be offered a healthy snack.
Afternoon session
Our afternoon session starts at 1:00 – 3:30pm.
Children will not get their lunch during the morning session but will be offered a healthy snack.
Full Days
9:00 – 3:30pm. Funded hours can be used from 9:00 to 3:30pm. Any additional hours beyond your funded hours are charged at £4.50/hour.
Children have the option of bringing a packed lunch or having a hot school dinner. School dinners are charged at £3.00 and include healthy snacks. For those children who wish to bring a packed lunch we ask parents to pay 40p per day for snacks or £2.00 per week.
Extended Day
Our breakfast club provision starts at 7:45 and is charged at £3.50. Children will be given an option of a healthy breakfast. Our breakfast club is run by school staff and takes place in the school hall. At 8:45, children are taken to join the pre-school classroom by their class teacher.
Our after school club starts at 3:30pm and runs to 6:00pm daily. Our after school club is run by an external provider, Kanga, who have trained staff to support pre-school aged children. After school care is charged at £8.00 per session and is payable directly to Kanga. Kanga provide details of the club to parents after initial booking.