


We have a secure playground in front of our school which we use for play times and outdoor learning. We have a shed outside, where we keep our outdoor games including tricycles and scooters! As our school is a grade listed building we cannot put up static playground items. At the side of the building we have a willow dome, which we love to play and reflect in. We also have raised beds for growing herbs and vegetables.


School Field

We are fortunate to have our school field behind our school over-looking the River Wharfe. We use the field in the warmer months to play at break times. The field is used for our outdoor learning lessons. We have plans for our school allotment to be here too!

Class 1 outdoor area

Class 1 have their own secure outdoor area attached to the classroom. Children can enter through the external classroom door. Here they can hear the sound of the river and enjoy lots of messy play in our mud kitchen, sand pit and willow tepee. There are lots of things set up to encourage learning through discovery, exploring and creating.




We have three classes at Burnsall Primary. Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3.



We have just had a new library installed upstairs. The library is open for children to come and browse every day. The library houses a range of books.



Our school hall is a busy hive of activity and is used throughout the day for learning, collective worship, P.E., dinners and school productions.


Sports Hall and Swimming Pool

In Year 3, children are taken to Upper Wharfedale School to use their swimming pool and sports hall once a week where they enjoy swimming and PE lessons.



Our school dinners are all home made on site by Mrs Julie Mahon, using healthy ingredients and are always popular with both the children and staff.